Tom Wolfe said, “The problem with
fiction, it has to be plausible. That’s not true with non-fiction”.
Undeniably true, but easier said
than done, as I realized when I recently tried my hand at fiction. After years
of expressing my opinions (sometimes too strongly, I’m told) – verbally, on
social networking websites, and now on my blog – I decided to experiment. And
it was so hard!
I had the basic plot outline, I
had the characters, I even had the structure in place before I put finger to
keyboard. Then why was it so difficult? The answer, I realized, was in the
voice. Whenever I’ve critically analyzed a book (which means whenever I’ve read
a book), I’ve always asked myself: Is there even one character in this book
whom I love and root for? If not, the book has failed. This question is so much
a part of my book-reading that I’m surprised that as a writer, it took me such
a long while to realize it.
Writing an article, an opinion
piece, or a blog post is so much easier, in some ways, because you’re writing
as yourself, so you’re free to just write what you think. You don’t have to
worry that you’re imposing your own views on your characters, because the only
narrative voice that counts is your own. You’re not worried that you won’t
sound authentic – there’s no way you can’t.
The other thing about writing
fiction is that you’re always worried someone else got there before you, and
your idea that sounded so cool and interesting when you first came up with it
suddenly sounds banal and clichéd. I had to constantly remind myself that no
story is entirely original now, in this age of instant communication and sharing
of ideas. Everything has been written about in some way, everything is based on
something that someone has read, seen, or heard. Every story spawns a million
more, each with their own twists and takes, but with the same genesis – human
nature. That is the great mother of all stories and everything else comes from
This brings me to another
question – what is the point of fiction, if every story has been told in some
form or another? Of late, I’ve had conversations with so many people who claim
that they’re done with fiction. They’ve read their fill, they enjoyed it when
they were younger, and now have nothing left to gain from it, so now they will
only read non-fiction or, at most, historical fiction. As a nut for good
fiction of almost any genre, I find this view hard to understand. How can
anyone possibly say they’ve learnt whatever there is to learn from other
people’s stories? That’s as good as saying they don’t want to meet anyone new
or hear anything about anyone they don’t already know about! It’s a narrow, almost arrogant view – to think you’ve read enough. No one can ever
have read enough, and this is one of the best and worst things about life.
Fiction is about more than just
the plot. It is beyond someone’s telling of someone else’s story. It’s about
imagination, the creation of a brand new world, the ability to get into the
skin of characters who don’t exist, and to do it so convincingly that the
reader believes these places and people and events to be real, even if just for
a few hours. It’s about using these worlds and people and events to illustrate
a larger point about the world we actually do inhabit and the lives we actually
do live. It’s about creating these parallels and ideas for yourself even if the
writer hasn’t illustrated them, because when you read fiction, it becomes your
own. It’s about the beauty of a well-crafted sentence or passage, the sudden
jolt you feel when one stunningly spare bit of prose leaps out at you and you
realize this is exactly how you feel and you thought no one got it. These things – imagination,
literary craft, beauty, talent, emotional connection – are limitless. And so,
therefore, is fiction.